      planet: 5 - Jupiter
  satellites: J1-Io:       124
              J2-Europa:   113
              J4-Callisto:  47
total number: 198
        type: relative  
       dates: 1985
 observatory: Barc = Barcelona, Spain
              Brzl = Itajuba, Brazil
              Catn = Catania, Italy
              CTIO = Cerro Tololo Inter-american Observatory, La Serena, Chile
              CI   = Canarian Islands, Spain
              DS   = Laurel, Md, USA
              ESO  = European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile
              KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, AZ, USA
              J/R  = Running Springs, CA, USA
              JW   = Lunar and planetary observers, USA
              Low'l= Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ, USA
              M Kea= Mauna Kea, USA
              Mt L = Mt Laguna, CA, USA
              Nice = Nice, France
              Oak R= Oak Ridge Station, Harvard, Mass., USA
              OHP  = Observatoire de Haute Provence, Forcalquier, France
              Perth= Perth Observatory, Bickley, Western Australia 
              Rowe = Christchurch, New Zealand
              Stwd = Tucson, AZ, USA
              Sd Sp= Siding Spring Observatory, Australia
              SAAO = South African Astronomical Observatory, Sutherland, South Africa
              TL   = San Bruno, CA, USA
              Tokyo= Mitaka Shi, Tokyo, Japon
              WA   = Adams Lane Observatory, Blenheim, New Zealand

      GSO: 1991, An analysis of the 1985 observations of 
      mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites, AJ 102-2,806
      1991 AJ 102 806
   relative to: other satellite
     reference frame: astrometric 
     centre of frame: geocentre or heliocentre
    epoch of equinox: B1950
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: no information   
         coordinates: differential
    diff. refraction: no information 
            receptor: CCD | photoelectric
           telescope: numerous telescopes used
           observers: GSO (Galilean satellites observers)
 data included in standard data file:  no 
   This paper presents relative positions of the Galilean satellites
   by pair extracted from the observation of mutual events

 by column:
Site of observation/UTC date in 1985 (month/day/hour/minute/second)/