========================================= File: 1874_2007_S1-8_COSS08.data.txt ========================================= COSS08 (Catalogue of Observations of Saturnian Satellites) Contents: The last catalogue of observations (Strugnell & Taylor, 1990) includes about 51 000 observations (over 3 500 nights) of Saturn's satellites from 1874 to 1989. Since 1989, many observations have been published, often in different format, specific to the publication. This new catalogue of observations of the eight major satellites of Saturn includes observations of Strugnell & Taylor, many other published since 1989 and also old observations forgotten in the previous catalogue. All those observations are tabulated in the consistent format. We precise, for each observation, the corrections applied for reduction like refraction, aberration or phase effects. Furthermore, when it was possible, instrument and catalogue are also indicated. The new catalogue, available on the web server of the IMCCE at ftp://ftp.imcce.fr/pub/NSDC/saturn/raw_data/position/, presents more than 130 000 observations (over 6 000 nights) of the eight major satellites of Saturn from 1874 to 2007. References: These observations are described in, . Desmars J., Vienne A., Arlot J-E., A new catalogue of observations of the eight major satellites of Saturn (1874-2007) Astron. Astrophys. 2008 Format: This is a sequential file and each observation is given with a following format : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Label Explanation Format -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- opp number of opposition i3 1=1610 257=1874 385=2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- anp year of observation i5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- moi moonth of observation i3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- utc UTC date of observation (in days) f11.7 Not light-time corrected -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dt ET-UTC in seconds f7.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cob Observatory code (IAU) i4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crf reference code (see below) i4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typ observation type i2 0 = alpha,delta 1 = Dalpha*cos(delta),Ddelta 2 = Dalpha,Ddelta 3 = p,s (position angle,separation) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- csob subject satellite (observed satellite) i3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- csrf reference satellite a1 * = alpha,delta coordinates 0 = Saturn 1 = Mimas 2 = Enceladus 3 = Tethys 4 = Dione 5 = Rhea 6 = Titan 7 = Hyperion 8 = Iapetus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fg1 presence flag for first observation of pair i2 0 = observation missing 1 = observation present -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fg2 presence flag for second observation of pair i1 0 = observation missing 1 = observation present -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ob1 first observation of pair f14.7 (0.0000000 if presence flag=0) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ob2 second observation of pair f14.7 (0.0000000 if presence flag=0) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rfs reference system i2 0 = mean equator and equinox of B1950 1 = true equator and equinox of date of the observation 2 = mean equator and equinox of J2000 3 = mean equator and equinox at the nearest beginning of a year 4 = mean equator and equinox at 1 January of the year of observation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rfr reference frame i2 0 = topocentric 1 = geocentric 2 = heliocentric (used for mutual events) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oc1 (O-C) residual for first observation of pair f8.3 (999.999 if presence flag = 0) (888.888 if residual great than 100.0) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oc2 (O-C) residual for second observation of pair f8.3 (999.999 if presence flag = 0) (888.888 if residual great than 100.0) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- refrac refraction i2 0 = corrected 1 = presumedly corrected 2 = not presumedly corrected 3 = not corrected -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aberr aberration i2 0 = corrected 1 = presumedly corrected 2 = not presumedly corrected 3 = not corrected -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- phase phase i2 0 = corrected 1 = presumedly corrected 2 = not presumedly corrected 3 = not corrected -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- satref (optionnal) reference satellite for calculation of O-C i2 when some observations are given at the same date in absolute coordinates,we give O-C calculated in intersatellites coordinates (see paper) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: units used for observation: typ=0 : degrees typ=1 : seconds of arc typ=2 : seconds of time,seconds of arc typ=3 : degrees,seconds of arc References for COSS08 (Catalogue of Observations of Saturnian Satellites) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code Reference ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strugnell & Taylor references ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 - Strugnell P. R., Taylor D. B., (1990) A catalogue of ground-based observations of the eight major satellites of Saturn, 1874-1989 Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series V. 83. N. 2. P. 289-300. 1990A&AS___83__289S 1 - USNO, (1877-1887) Astronomical and meteorological observations made during the year ... at the U.S.Naval Observatory Telescope - refractor, D = 26 inch 2 - USNO, (1887, 1889-1893) Observations made during the year ... at the U.S.Naval Observatory Telescope - refractor, D = 26 inch 3 - USNO, (1911) Equatorial observations, 1893-1907 Publications of U.S.Naval Observatory, 2nd Series V. 6. P. A3-A5. 1911PUSNO___6___A3U Telescope - refractor, D = 26 inch 4 - USNO, (1929) Observations of Satellites: Satellites of Mars. Publications of U.S.Naval Observatory, 2nd Series V. 12. P. 81-89. 1929PUSNO__12_____U Telescope - refractor, D = 26 inch 5 - USNO, (1954) Observations of satellites made with the 26-inch equatorial of the U.S.Naval observatory. 1928-47. Publications of the U.S.Naval Observatory, 2nd Series V. 17. N. 3. P. 125-126. 1954PUSNO__17__125U Telescope - refractor, D = 26 inch 6 - Struve G., (1933) Neue Untersuchungen im Saturnsystem Veroffentlichungen der Universitatssternwarte zu Berlin-Babelsberg V. 6. 1933VUSBB___6_____S Observers - H.Struve, G.Struve, Bernewitz, Pavel. Telescope - 65-cm refractor 7 - Struve G., (1933) Neue Untersuchungen im Saturnsystem Veroffentlichungen der Universitatssternwarte zu Berlin-Babelsberg V. 6. 1933VUSBB___6_____S Observers - H.Struve, G.Struve, Bernewitz, Pavel. Telescope - 66-cm refractor 8 - Struve G., (1933) Neue Untersuchungen im Saturnsystem Veroffentlichungen der Universitatssternwarte zu Berlin-Babelsberg V. 6. 1933VUSBB___6_____S Observers - H.Struve, G.Struve, Bernewitz, Pavel. Telescope - 40-inch refractor. 9 - Struve H., (1898) Beobachtungen der Saturnstrabanten am 30-zolligen Pulkowaer refractor Publications de l'Observatoire Central Nicolas. Serie 2 V. 11. P. 1-337. 1898PuOCN__11____1S Observer: H.Struve. Telescopes: 30-inch refractor 10 - Alden H.L., O'Cornel W.C., (1928) Photographic measures of the satellites of Saturn in 1926 Astronomical journal V. 38. N. 7. P. 53-56. 1928AJ_____38___53A Observers: Alden H L, O'Colonnel W C. Telescope: 26-inch photographic refractor 11 - Alden H.L., (1929) Photographic measures of the satellites of Saturn in 1927 Astronomical Journal V. 40. N. 941. P. 88-90. 1929AJ_____40___88A Observers: Alden H L, O'Colonnel W C. Telescope: 26-inch photographic refractor 12 - Soulie G, (1968) Positions de grosses planetes et de leurs satellites et de la Lune Journal des observateurs V. 51. P. 315-323. 1968JdesO__51__315S Observer: Soulie G. Telescopes: 30 cm refractor 13 - Chernykh L. I., Chernykh N. S., (1971) Observations of the planet Pluto, minor planets 10 Hygiea 433 Eros, VII, VIII and IX satellites of Saturn made at the krimean astrophysical observatory of the sovjet academi of science. Institut teoreticheskoi astronomii (Institut for theoretical astronomy), Bulleten. V. 12. N. 8. P. 739-741. 1971BITA___12__739C Telescope - astrograph, D = 40 cm 14 - Soulie G., (1972) Positions de grosses planetes et de la Lune observees a l'equatorial photographique de 0,33 m Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series V. 6. P. 311-326. 1972A&AS____6__311S Observer: Soulie G. Telescope: 13-inch photographic refractor 15 - Soulie G., (1975) Positions of the major planets and the moon observed at the photographic equatorial of 0.33 m. In french Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series V. 22. P. 49-61. 1975A&AS___22___49S Observer: Soulie G. Telescope: 33-cm refractor 16 - Peters C.F., (1973) Table Mountain satellite observations: 1971-72 Astronomical Journal V. 78. N. 9. P. 957-958. 1973AJ_____78__957P Observer: Peters F C. Telescope: 24-inch reflector. 17 - Soulie G., (1975) Positions of the major planets and the moon observed at the photographic equatorial of 0.33 m. In french Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series V. 22. P. 49-61. 1975A&AS___22___49S Observer: Soulie G. Telescope: 38-cm refractor 18 - Kiseleva T. P., Panova G. V., Kalinichenko O. A., (1977) Photographic position observations of Saturn and its satellites in 1971-1974 at Pulkovo. In russian. Glavnaia Astronomicheskaia Observatoriia, Izvestiia N. 195. P. 49-66. 1977IzPul_195___49K Observers: Kiseleva T. P., Panova G. V., Kalinichenko O. A. Telescopes: 26-inch refractor 19 - Kiseleva T. P., Panova G. V., Kalinichenko O. A., (1977) Photographic position observations of Saturn and its satellites in 1971-1974 at Pulkovo. In russian. Glavnaia Astronomicheskaia Observatoriia, Izvestiia N. 195. P. 49-66. 1977IzPul_195___49K Observers: Kiseleva T. P., Panova G. V., Kalinichenko O. A. Telescopes: normal astrograph 20 - Kiseleva T. P., Panova G. V., Kalinichenko O. A., (1977) Photographic position observations of Saturn and its satellites in 1971-1974 at Pulkovo. In russian. Glavnaia Astronomicheskaia Observatoriia, Izvestiia N. 195. P. 49-66. 1977IzPul_195___49K Observers: Kiseleva T. P., Panova G. V., Kalinichenko O. A. Telescopes: AKD(double short-focus astrograph) 21 - Abbot R.I., Mulholland J.D., Shelus P.J., (1975) Astrometric observations of Saturn's satellites from McDonald Observatory, 1972 Astronomical Journal, Sept. 1975 V. 80. P. 723-728. 1975AJ_____80__723A Observers: Abbot R.I., Mulholland J.D., Shelus P.J. Telescopes: 2.1 m reflector, 76 cm eflector. Meas.machine: Mann measures 22 - Abbot R.I., Mulholland J.D., Shelus P.J., (1975) Astrometric observations of Saturn's satellites from McDonald Observatory, 1972 Astronomical Journal, Sept. 1975 V. 80. P. 723-728. 1975AJ_____80__723A Observers: Abbot R.I., Mulholland J.D., Shelus P.J. Telescopes: 2.1 m reflector, 76 cm eflector. Meas.machine: PDS measures 23 - Kiseleva T.P., Koroleva L.S., Panova G.V., (1975) The positional photographic observations of the satellites of Saturn with the normal astrograph in 1972 at Pulkovo Institut Teoreticheskoi Astronomii Biulleten V. 14. N. 1. P. 60-62. 1975BITA___14___60K Observers: Kiseleva T P, Koroleva L S, Panova G V. Telescope: normal astrograph. 24 - Soulie G., (1978) Positions of asteroids, major planets, and the moon. In french Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series V. 33. P. 257-264. 1978A&AS___33__257S Observer: Soulie G. Telescope: 33-cm refractor 25 - Sinclair A.T., (1974) A theory of the motion of Iapetus Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly Notices V. 169. P. 591-605. 1974MNRAS_169__591S Sinclair A.T., (1977) The orbits of Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan and Iapetus Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly Notices V. 180. P. 447-459. 1977MNRAS_180__447S Observer: Sinclair A.T. Telescope: 13-inch refractor. 26 - Sinclair A.T., (1974) A theory of the motion of Iapetus Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly Notices V. 169. P. 591-605. 1974MNRAS_169__591S Sinclair A.T., (1977) The orbits of Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan and Iapetus Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly Notices V. 180. P. 447-459. 1977MNRAS_180__447S Observer: Sinclair A.T. Telescope: 26-inch refractor 27 - Mulholland J.D., Shelus P.J., Abbot R.I., (1976) Astrometric observations of satellites of Jupiter and Saturn during 1973 Astronomical Journal V. 81. P. 1007-1009. 1976AJ_____81_1007M Observers: Shelus P J, Abbot R I. Telescope: 76-cm reflector 28 - Soulie G., (1978) Positions of asteroids, major planets, and the moon. In french Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series V. 33. P. 257-264. 1978A&AS___33__257S Observer: Soulie G. Telescope: 38-cm refractor 29 - Gorel G.K., (1977) Results of astrometrical observations of satellites of Saturn made in Nikolaev with zone astrograph in 1973-1976 Scientific paper deposited in All-russian institute of scientific and technical information N. 3513-78. P. 1-11. 1977PDRII3513_____G Observer: Gorel. Telescope: Zone astrograph 31 - Pascu D., (1982) Data held at U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D.C. Observer: Pascu D. Telescope - 26 inch refractor 32 - Levitskaya T.I., (1979) Position photographical observations of satellites of Saturn in Octobre-Novenbre 1975 Astron Tsirk USSR N. 1084. P. 6-8. 1979ATsir1084____6L Observatory: Ordubad. Observer: Levitskaya T.I. Telescope: lunar-planet telescope, D=700 mm, F=10313 mm 34 - Mulholland J. D., Shelus P. J., (1980) Astrometric observations of the satellites of Saturn during 1975-1976 Astronomical Journal, Aug. 1980 V. 85. P. 1112-1116. 1980AJ_____85_1112M Telescope - reflector, D = 2.1 m 35 - Soulie G., Dupouy Mr., Teulet Mr., Broqua Mr., Dulou Mr., (1981) Positions of asteroids, the planets, and the moon. In french Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series V. 43. P. 147-153. 1981A&AS___43__147S Observatory: Bordeaux. Observers: Soulie G., Dupouy Mr., Teulet Mr., Broqua Mr., Dulou Mr. Telescope: 33 cm refractor 37 - Seitzer P., Ianna P. A., (1980) Astrometric observations of satellites of the outer planets. IV - The satellites of Saturn during 1977 Astronomical Journal, Aug. 1980 V. 85. P. 1117-1121. 1980AJ_____85_1117S Observers: Seitzer P, Ianna P A. Telescope: 67- refractor 38 - Chugunov I.G., (1981) Observations of satellites of Saturn made at Engelgardt astronomical observatory in 1977-1978 Izvestija Astronomiceskoj Observatorii im. V.P. Engel'gardta (Kazan') N. 47. P. 111-115. 1981IzAOE__47__111C Observer: Chugunov I G. Telescope: 16-inch astrograph. 39 - Taylor D.B., Sinclair A.T., (1985) Positions of the satellites of Saturn in 1978, 1982 and 1983 obtained at the Royal Greenwich Observatory Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series V. 61. P. 221-223. 1985A&AS___61__221T Observers: Taylor D.B., Sinclair A.T. Telescope: 26-inch refractor. 40 - Seitzer P., Ianna P.A., Levinson F., (1979) Astrometric observations of satellites of the outer planets. II - The Saturnian system during 1978 Astronomical Journal V. 84. P. 877-882. 1979AJ_____84__877S Observers: Seitzer P, Ianna P A, Levinson F. Telescope: 67 cm -refractor 41 - Chugunov I.G., Nefed'ev Yu. A, (1980) Photographic observations of satellites of Saturn Astron Tsirk USSR N. 1114. P. 7-8. 1979ATsir1114____7C Observers: Chugunov I.G., Nefed'ev Yu.A. Telescope: 16-inch astrograph. 42 - Aksnes K., Franklin F., Millis R., Birch P., Blanco C., Catalano S., and Piironen J., (1984) Mutual phenomena of the Galilean and Saturnian satellites in 1973 and 1979/1980 Astronomical Journal V. 89. P. 280-288. 1984AJ_____89__280A Observers: Aksnes K., Franklin F., Millis R., Birch P., Blanco C., Catalano S., and Piironen J. Telescope: 26" refractor 43 - Rohde J.R., Ianna P.A., Stayton L.C., Levinson F.H., (1982) Astrometric observations of the satellites of the outer planets. V - The oppositions of 1978-1979, 1980, and 1981 Astronomical Journal V. 87. P. 698-717. 1982AJ_____87__698R Observers: Rohde J R, Ianna P A, Stayton L C, Levinson F H. Telescope: 67- refractor. 45 - Kitkin B.N., and Chugunov I.G., (1980) Photographical observations of satellites of Saturn made at Engelgardt astronomical observatory in January-May 1980 Scientific paper deposited in All-russian institute of scientific and technical information N. 4997-80. P. 1-12. 1980PDRII4997_____K Observers: Kitkin B.N., Chugunov I.G. Telescope: 16"astrograph 46 - Dourneau G., Le Campion J.F., Dulou M.R., (1989) Astrometric observations and comparison with theory of Saturn's satellites from Bordeaux Observatory, 1984 Astronomical Journal V. 98. P. 716-722. 1989AJ_____98__716D Observers: Dourneau G., Le Campion J. F., Dulou M. R. Telescope: 38 cm refractor. 47 - Dourneau G. and Veillet C. (1992) 1980-1985 astrometric observations of the first eight satellites of Saturn at Pic-du-Midi, ESO and CFH Astronomy and Astrophysics. Suppl. Ser. 94 P. 291-297 Telescope: 1 m reflector. 48 - Dourneau G. and Veillet C. (1992) 1980-1985 astrometric observations of the first eight satellites of Saturn at Pic-du-Midi, ESO and CFH Astronomy and Astrophysics. Suppl. Ser. 94 P. 291-297 Telescope: 1.5 m reflector. 49 - Dourneau G. and Veillet C. (1992) 1980-1985 astrometric observations of the first eight satellites of Saturn at Pic-du-Midi, ESO and CFH Astronomy and Astrophysics. Suppl. Ser. 94 P. 291-297 Telescope: 3.6 m reflector. 50 - Debehogne H., (1981) Saturn VII (Hyperion) Observations obtained at the European Southern Observatory IAU Circ., 3654 (1981) N. 3654. 1981IAUC_3654_____D Debehogne H., (1982) Observations of Saturn VIII (Iapetus) obtained at the European Southern Observatory IAU Circ., 3707 (1982) N. 3707. 1982IAUC_3707_____D Observer: Debehogne H. Telescope: 40-cm refractor. 51 - Kitkin V.N., Chugunov I.G., (1982) Photographic observations of satellites of Saturn made at Engelgardt astronomical observatory in January-May 1981 Scientific paper deposited in All-russian institute of scientific and technical information N. 1131-82. P. 1-7. 1982PDRII1131_____K Observers: Kitkin B.N., Chugunov I.G. Telescope: 16"astrograph. 52 - Dourneau G., Dulou M.R., Le Campion J.F., Veillet C., (1986) Astrometric observations of Saturn's satellites made at the ESO in 1981 and comparison with theory. In french Astronomy and Astrophysics V. 160. N. 2. P. 280-286. 1986A&A___160__280D Observers: Dourneau G., Dulou M.R., Le Campion J.F., Veillet C. Telescope: 1.5 m reflector. 53 - Dourneau G., Dulou M.R., Le Campion J.F., (1985) Astrometric observations and comparison with the theory of Saturn's satellites conducted at the Bordeaux Observatory with the 38-cm refracting telescope during the oppositions of 1981 and 1982. In french Astronomy and Astrophysics V. 142. N. 1. P. 91-99. 1985A&A___142___91D Observers: Dourneau G., Dulou M.R., Le Campion J.F. Telescope: 38 cm reflector. 54 - Bowell E., (1982) Saturn VIII (Iapetus) The following precise positions have been measured by E.Bowell from exposures obtained at the Lowell Observatory's Anderson Mesa station IAU Circ., 3719 N. 3719. 1982IAUC_3719_____B Observer: Bowell E. Telescope: 13-inch refractor. 55 - Debehogne H, (1984) Observations photographiques des satellites de Saturne effectue en 1982 a l'equatorial GPO de 40 cm de l'Observatoire Austral Europeen (ESO) a la Silla (Chili) Bulletin of the Astronomical Observatoire Royale de Belgique V. 9. N. 6. P. 299-306. 1984BAORB___9__299D Observer: Debehogne H. Telescope: 40-cm equatorial. 56 - Kitkin V.N., (1985) Observations of satellites of Saturn made at Engelgardt astronomical observatory and the Zelenchukskaia Astronomical station in 1982-1984 Scientific paper deposited in All-russian institute of scientific and technical information N. 893-B. P. 1-10. 1985PDRII_893_____K Observers: Kitkin B.N. Telescope: 16"astrograph. 57 - Kitkin V.N., (1985) Observations of satellites of Saturn made at Engelgardt astronomical observatory and the Zelenchukskaia Astronomical station in 1982-1984 Scientific paper deposited in All-russian institute of scientific and technical information N. 893-B. P. 1-10. 1985PDRII_893_____K Observers: Kitkin B.N. Telescope: Zeiss astrograph 58 - Kiseleva T.P., Chanturiia S.M., Lepeshenkova S.A., Lapina E.V., Suleimanova E.V., (1987) Photographic positional observations of Jupiter, Saturn, and their satellites in Abastumani during 1983-1984. In russian Abastumanskaia Astrofizicheskaia Observatoriia, Biulleten' N. 62. P. 117-130. 1987AbOB___62__117K Observers: Kiseleva T. P., Chanturiia S. M., Lepeshenkova S. A., Lapina E.V., Suleimanova E. V. Telescope: Zeiss Double Astrograph. 59 - Rapaport M. (1989) Personal communication Observers: Rapaport M. Telescope: Meridian circle 60 - (1989) Carlsberg Meridian catalogue La Palma. Number 4: Observations of positions of stars and planets: May 1984 to February 1988 V. 4. P. 667-668. 1989N91-12434______ Observer: personnel of the observatory. Telescope: Carlsberg automatic meridian circle. 61 - Chen (1987) Personal communication Observers: Shen Telescope: 1 m refractor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haper & Taylor references ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 - Barnard E.E. (1912) Micrometric measures of the satellites of Saturn in the years 1910, 1911 and 1912 Astronomical Journal, vol. 27, iss. 639-640, p. 116-129. 101 - Barnard E.E. (1913) Observations of the seven inner satellites of Saturn Astronomical Journal, vol. 28, iss. 649-650, p. 1-10 102 - Barnard E.E. (1915) Observations of the satellites of Saturn Astronomical Journal, vol. 29, iss. 677, p. 33-37 103 - Barnard E.E. (1916) Observations of the satellites of Saturn at the opposition of 1915-16 Astronomical Journal, vol. 30, iss. 701, p. 33-40 104 - Barnard E.E. (1918) Observations of the satellites of Saturn Astronomical Journal, vol. 31, iss. 727, p. 49-53 105 - Barnard E.E. (1927) Measures of the satellites of Saturn and position angles of the rings Astronomical Journal, vol. 37, iss. 883, p. 157-172 131 - Hussey W.J. (1902) Bulletin No. 17 - Micrometrical observations of the satellites of Saturn Lick Observatory Bulletin, vol. 1, pp.139-149 132 - Hussey W.J. (1903) Bulletin No. 34 - Second series of observations of the satellites of Saturn Lick Observatory Bulletin, vol. 2, pp.34-45 133 - Hussey W.J. (1905) Bulletin No. 68 - Third series of observations of the satellites of Saturn Lick Observatory Bulletin, vol. 3, pp.71-76 144 - Lovett E.O. (1898a) Relative positions of Hyperion and Iapetus, and other satellites of Saturn Astronomical Journal, vol. 18, iss. 430, p. 177-177 145 - Morgan H.R. (1898) Observations of the satellites of Saturn Astronomical Journal, vol. 19, iss. 447, p. 117-118 147 - Stone O. (1898a) Observations of Hyperion and Iapetus Astronomische Nachrichten, volume 146, p.223 148 - Stone O. (1898b) Observations of the satellites of Saturn Astronomical Journal, vol. 19, iss. 447, p. 118-119 149 - Stone O. (1899a) Observations of the Satellites of Saturn Astronomische Nachrichten, volume 148, p.201 150 - Stone O. (1899b) Observations of the Satellites of Saturn Astronomische Nachrichten, volume 151, p.107 200 - Barnard E.E. (1908) Photographic and visual observations of Iapetus, the eight satellite of Saturn, in 1906. Astronomische Nachrichten. V. 177. N. 4234. P. 147-150. 1907AN____177___47B 202 - Aitken J.A. (1909) Bulletin Number 172 - Observations of the satellites of Mars, Saturn and Uranus. Lick Observatory Bulletin, vol. 5, pp.169-173 203 - Aitken J.A. (1905) Bulletin Number 94 - Observations of the satellites of Saturn in 1905. Lick Observatory Bulletin, vol. 4, pp.33-34 206 - Barnard E.E. (1910) Observations of Saturn, eclipses and measures of the satellites, and position-angles of the ring Astronomical Journal, vol. 26, iss. 610, p. 79-82 . 211 - Eastwood E.O. (1900) Observations of the relative positions of the inner satellites of Saturn Astronomical Journal, vol. 20, iss. 474, p. 142-144 (1900). 222 - Lovett E.O. (1895) Micrometrical comparisons of positions of Titan and Rhea Astronomical Journal, vol. 15, iss. 356, p. 166-167 223 - Lovett E.O. (1896) Relative positions of Tethys and Dione Astronomical Journal, vol. 16, iss. 368, p. 63-64 224 - Lovett E.O. (1898b) Observations of Tethys and Rhea Astronomical Journal, vol. 18, iss. 426, p. 143-143 225 - Lovett E.O. (1897) Observations of Enceladus Astronomische Nachrichten, volume 143, p.291 226 - Lovett E.O. (1898c) Relative Positions of Dione and Titan Astronomische Nachrichten, volume 145, p.347 227 - Lyon J.A. (1899a) Observations of the satellites of Saturn Astronomical Journal, vol. 19, iss. 455, p. 185-185 (1899) 228 - Lyon J.A. (1899b) Observations of the inner satellites of Saturn Astronomical Journal, vol. 20, iss. 469, p. 105-106 232 - Morgan H.R. (1897) Observations of the satellites of Saturn Astronomical Journal, vol. 18, iss. 417, p. 69-70 . 233 - Morgan H.R. (1900) Observations of Enceladus Astronomische Nachrichten, volume 154, p.91 235 - Paddock G.F. (1905) Satellites of Saturn Astronomical Journal, vol. 25, iss. 580, p. 33-33 (1905). (AJ Homepage) 240 - Stone O. (1895a) Micrometrical comparisons of positions of Titan with those of Tethys, Dione and Rhea Astronomical Journal, vol. 15, iss. 347, p. 86-87 (1895). 241 - Stone O. (1895b) Observations of Mimas and Enceladus Astronomical Journal, vol. 15, iss. 350, p. 110-111 242 - Stone O. (1896a) Relative positions of Tethys and Rhea Astronomical Journal, vol. 16, iss. 368, p. 62-62 (1896). 243 - Stone O. (1896b) Relative positions of Dione and Rhea Astronomical Journal, vol. 16, iss. 380, p. 180-180 (1896). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NSDC references ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 420 - Noyelles B., Vienne A., and Descamps P. (2003) Astrometric reduction of lightcurves observed during the PHESAT95 campaign of Saturnian satellites. Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 401. P. 1159-1175. 2003A&A___401_1159N 421 - Noyelles B., Vienne A., and Descamps P. (2003) Astrometric reduction of lightcurves observed during the PHESAT95 campaign of Saturnian satellites. Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 401. P. 1159-1175. 2003A&A___401_1159N 502 - Kostinsky S. (1925) Photographische Beobachtungen der Saturnstrabanten am Normalastrographen der Hauptsternwarte Pulkovo. Astronomische Nachrichten. V. 226. N. 5405. P. 65-78. 1925AN____226___67K 504 - Debehogne H. (1979) Observations photographiques de grosses planetes et de leurs satellites effectuees a l'Astrographe double de 40 cm au cours de l'annee 1977. Bulletin astronomique. V. 9. N. 2. P. 68-70. 1979BAORB___9___68D 507 - Kiseleva T.P. (1989) Results of positional photographic observations of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn at the Pulkovo Observatory during 1973-1982. Pulkovo, Glavnaia Astronomicheskaia Observatoriia, Izvestiia. N. 206. P. 12-18. 1989IzPul_206___12K 509 - Izhakevich E.M. (1991) Position photographic observations of satellites of Saturn in the Main astronomical observatory of Ukrainian Academie of Science in 1980. Scientific paper deposited in All-russian institute of scientific and technical information. No. 4553-B91. P. 1-25. 1991PDRII4553_____I 510 - Tolbin S.B. (1991) Results of positional photographic observations of the Saturn satellite system made in Pulkovo with normal astrograph in 1975-1984. Scientific paper deposited in All-russian institute of scientific and technical information. No. 3078-B91. P. 1-17. 1991PDRII3078_____T 511 - Tolbin S.B. (1991) Results of positional photographic observations of the Saturn satellite system made in Pulkovo with 26-inch refractor in 1975-1984. Scientific paper deposited in All-russian institute of scientific and technical information. No. 3077-B91. P. 1-20. 1991PDRII3077_____T 512 - Tolbin S.B. (1991) Results of positional photographic observations of the Saturn satellite system made in Pulkovo with 26-inch refractor in 1975-1984. Scientific paper deposited in All-russian institute of scientific and technical information. No. 3077-B91. P. 1-20. 1991PDRII3077_____T 513 - Kisseleva T.P., Kisselev A.A., Khrutskaya E.V., Kalinitchenko O.A. (1996) The results of positional photographic and CCD observations of saturnian satellites with the 26-inch regractor at Pulkovo in 1995. Izvestiia glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii Pulkovo. N. 210. 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