=============================================================================== file 1982-1988_S1-8_veiga.data.txt ================================== Contents: 814 Astrometric positions of the first eight Saturnian satellites made from 1982 May 28 to 1988 Aug. 1 obtained from 138 photographic plates taken in 30 nights in the years 1982 to 1988 are presented. All positions are compared with those calculated by the theory TASS1.7 (Vienne & Duriez, 1998). The observed minus calculated residuals give rise to standard deviations smaller than 0.3". Reference:Veiga C.H., Vieira Martins R.: 1999, Photographic positions for the first eight satellites of Saturn, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 139, 305-310 Format (3): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 3 I3 --- Opp Opposition year code number (105=1989, 111=1988) 5- 8 I4 yr Obs.Y Year of observation 10- 11 I2 --- Obs.M Month of observation 13- 21 F9.6 d Obs.D UTC date of observation (DD.dddddd) 23- 26 F4.1 s ET-UTC ET-UTC to the nearest tenth of second 28- 30 I3 ---- Code [874] Observatory code (874: Laboratorio Nacional de Astrofisica) 32- 33 A2 --- Ref [**] Reference code (no entries) 35 I1 --- ObsType [2] Observation type ({Delta}RA, {Delta}DE) 37- 38 I2 --- Sat Subject satellite, reference satellite (1) 40 I1 --- Obs1 [0/1] Presence flag for first observation of pair (2) 41 I1 --- Obs2 [0/1] Presence flag for second observation of pair (2) 43- 53 F11.6 s DRA Position {Delta}RA 55- 65 F11.6 arcsec DDE Position {Delta}DE 67 I1 --- Sys [2] Reference system (J2000.0) 69 I1 --- Frame [1] Reference frame (geocentric) 71- 75 F5.2 arcsec Res1 (O-C) {Delta}RAcosDE residual for first observation of pair 77- 81 F5.2 arcsec Res2 (O-C) {Delta}RAcosDE residual for second observation of pair -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): Satellite numbers used in the catalogue conform to the conventional IAU numbering system. 0 is used to denote the planet. 1: Mimas; 2:Enceladus; 3: Tethys; 4: Dione; 5: Rhea; 6: Titan; 7: Hyperion; 8: Iapetus; 9: Phoebe Note (2): 0: observation absent 1: observation present -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (3): The format of these table is the same used in the catalogue of Strugnell and Taylor (1990A&AS...83..289S). The reference system is defined by the mean equator and equinox J2000. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================