=============================================================================== File: 1983-1988_U1-5_veiga_rio.data.txt ======================================= Contents - File containing 333 observed photographic plate in positions of the Uranian satellites made on 5 oppositions by a group of observers, Veiga, C. H. and Vieira Martins, R, from 1 site from June, 1983 on August, 1988, - It provide for each plate, . the first line give the number of the plate, the date in UTC (year, month, day); . The next lines give the number of the satellite (1-Ariel, 2-Umbriel, 3-Titania, 4-Oberon, 5-Miranda), the equatorial coordinates 1950.0, referred to Uranus (x, y). Reference These observations are extracted from, - Veiga, C. H., Vieira Martins, R, 1994a, Astron. Astrophys., Suppl.Series, 107:,551-558. - Veiga, C. H., Vieira Martins, R, 1994b, Astron. Astrophys., Suppl.Series, 107:,559-561. - Veiga, C. H., 1995 , Astron. Astrophys., Suppl.Series, 111:, 1-6. Format The file of datas is given for the first record of observation : - the number of the plate formatted in I4 - the date in UTC with the year formatted in I3 the month formatted in I2 the day formatted in F9.5 - spaces formatted in 6x - the number of the plate formatted in I4 - the date in UTC with the year formatted in I3 the month formatted in I2 the day formatted in F9.5 - spaces formatted in 6x - the number of the plate formatted in I4 - the date in UTC with the year formatted in I3 the month formatted in I2 the day formatted in F9.5 - spaces formatted in 6x like that 3(i4,i3,i2,f9.5,6x) for the second record - the number of the satellites formatted in I1 - the equatorial coordinates 1950 formatted in 2F7.2 - spaces formatted in 9x - the number of the satellites formatted in I1 - the equatorial coordinates 1950 formatted in 2F7.2 - spaces formatted in 9x - the number of the satellites formatted in I1 - the equatorial coordinates 1950 formatted in 2F7.2 - spaces formatted in 9x a line of spaces. for the third record - the number of the satellites formatted in I1 - the equatorial coordinates 1950 formatted in 2F7.2 - spaces formatted in 9x - the number of the satellites formatted in I1 - the equatorial coordinates 1950 formatted in 2F7.2 - spaces formatted in 9x - the number of the satellites formatted in I1 - the equatorial coordinates 1950 formatted in 2F7.2 - spaces formatted in 9x a line of spaces. for the fourth record - the number of the satellites formatted in I1 - the equatorial coordinates 1950 formatted in 2F7.2 - spaces formatted in 9x - the number of the satellites formatted in I1 - the equatorial coordinates 1950 formatted in 2F7.2 - spaces formatted in 9x - the number of the satellites formatted in I1 - the equatorial coordinates 1950 formatted in 2F7.2 - spaces formatted in 9x a line of spaces. for the fifth record - the number of the satellites formatted in I1 - the equatorial coordinates 1950 formatted in 2F7.2 - spaces formatted in 9x - the number of the satellites formatted in I1 - the equatorial coordinates 1950 formatted in 2F7.2 - spaces formatted in 9x - the number of the satellites formatted in I1 - the equatorial coordinates 1950 formatted in 2F7.2 - spaces formatted in 9x like that 4(3(i1,2f7.2,9x)) ===============================================================================