=========================================================================== file 1989-1994_U1-3_5_veiga.data.txt ==================================== Contents: - 368 observations made from 1989 Sept. 18 to 1994 Sept. 24 Astrometric positions of the five largest satellites are given for the oppositions of Uranus for the years 1989 to 1994. These positions were measured on 368 CCD frames obtained at the Cassegrain focus of a 1.6-m reflector. They are compared with the theoretically calculated positions from GUST86 (Laskar & Jacobson 1987). The observed minus calculated residuals referred to Oberon have standard deviations of the order of 0.05" for the three greatest Uranian satellites and 0.07" for Miranda. These residuals are comparable to the best available in the literature. Reference: Veiga C.H., Vieira Martins R.:1995, CCD astrometric observations of Uranian satellites, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Series 113, 557-560 Format: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 4 I4 --- Year Year of observation 7 I1 --- Month Month of observation 9- 16 F8.5 d UTCday UTC day of observation 18- 23 F6.2 arcsec XposM Miranda X position referred to Oberon (1) 25- 30 F6.2 arcsec YposM Miranda Y position referred to Oberon (1) 32- 37 F6.2 arcsec XposA Ariel X position referred to Oberon (1) 39- 44 F6.2 arcsec YposA Ariel Y position referred to Oberon (1) 46- 51 F6.2 arcsec XposU Umbriel X position referred to Oberon (1) 53- 58 F6.2 arcsec YposU Umbriel Y position referred to Oberon (1) 60- 65 F6.2 arcsec XposT Titania X position referred to Oberon (1) 67- 72 F6.2 arcsec YposT Titania Y position referred to Oberon (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): The reference system is defined by the mean equator and equinox 1950.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================================================================