================================================================================ file 1995-1998_U1-3_5_veiga.data.txt ==================================== Contents: -750 observations made from 1995 June 10 to 1998 Sept. 4 Astrometric positions of four of the five largest Uranian satellites from 750 CCD frames taken at the oppositions of 1995 through 1998 are presented. The images were obtained over 35 nights. Observed positions have been compared with the calculated positions from GUST86. The standard deviations are better than 0.05" for the four largest satellites and 0.08" for Miranda. Reference: Veiga C.H., Vieira Martins R.: 1999, CCD astrometric observations of Uranian satellites: 1995-1998, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 138, 247-251 Format: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 4 I4 --- Year Year of observation 6- 7 I2 --- Month Month of observation 9- 19 F11.8 d UTCday UTC day of observation 21- 27 F7.3 arcsec XposM ? Miranda X position referred to Oberon (1) 29- 35 F7.3 arcsec YposM ? Miranda Y position referred to Oberon (1) 37- 43 F7.3 arcsec XposA ? Ariel X position referred to Oberon (1) 45- 51 F7.3 arcsec YposA ? Ariel Y position referred to Oberon (1) 53- 59 F7.3 arcsec XposU ? Umbriel X position referred to Oberon (1) 61- 67 F7.3 arcsec YposU ? Umbriel Y position referred to Oberon (1) 69- 75 F7.3 arcsec XposT Titania X position referred to Oberon (1) 77- 83 F7.3 arcsec YposT Titania Y position referred to Oberon (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): The reference system is defined by the mean equator and equinox J2000 X={Delta}RAcosDE; Y={Delta}DE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================