=============================================================================== File: 2000-12_U16-17_19_mpc.data.txt ======================================== Contents: - 26 observations of absolute positions of the satellites of Uranus U-16, U-17 and U-19 made on 1 opposition from August to November, 2000. U-16: 3 obs. on Aug. 7, 2000 U-17: 3 obs. on Aug. 7, 2000 U-19: 2 obs. on Nov. 28, 2000 (right ascensions and declinations coordinates in mean equatorial topocentric 2000.0 reference frame). Reference: These observations are described on the following MPC Circular and were made at the following sites by the following observers: 675 Palomar. 1.2-m Schmidt and 5-m Hale-reflector + CCD. Observers C. T. Kowal, P. Nicholson and J. Kavelaars. 809 European Southern Observatory, La Silla. 2.2-m reflector + CCD. Observers B. Gladman and J.-M. Petit. Format: This is a sequential file; one record contains 80 bytes with the MPC format, col. 1-12 the satellite number or designation, col. 16-19 the year, col. 21-22 the month, col. 24-31 the day and fraction of day, col. 33-34 hours | col. 36-37 minutes > right ascension col. 39-43 seconds | col. 45-47 degrees | col. 49-50 minuts > declination col. 52-55 seconds | col. 66-69 magnitude if available col. 71 spectral band for the magnitude if available col. 78-80 observatory IAU number ==============================================================================