============================================================================== File: 2001_U2-4_owen_nsdc.data.txt ================================== Contents: - 3 observations of U-2 on 2001 May 17 - 3 observations of U-3 on 2001 May 17 - 3 observations of U-4 on 2001 May 17 References: Observations communicated to NSDC by : W. M. Owen Jr., Jet Propulsion Laboratory 301-150, Pasadena CA 91109-8099 wmo@jpl.nasa.gov observatory code: 673 Comments: The observations were made at JPL's Table Mountain Observatory and reduced, using the overlapping plate method, to 14 stars from the Tycho-2 catalog. Formal uncertainties are 0.040" for Umbriel, 0.032" for Titania, and 0.027" for Oberon, but my experience with minor planets leads me to suspect that the correct sigma is more likely to be in the range 0.07-0.10". Only Oberon was completely free of the glare from the planet. Systematic errors in the radial direction are not impossible, especially for Umbriel. Ariel was visible in the images but my programs failed to find a centroid. COD 673 CON W. M. Owen Jr., Jet Propulsion Laboratory 301-150, Pasadena CA 91109-8099 CON [wmo@jpl.nasa.gov] OBS W. M. Owen Jr. MEA W. M. Owen Jr. TEL 0.61-m f/16 reflector + CCD NET Tycho-2 ACK 01137 Format: These are reported in the format used by the Minor Planet Center. This is a sequential file; one record contains 80 bytes with the MPC format, col. 1-12 the satellite number or designation, col. 16-19 the year, col. 21-22 the month, col. 24-31 the day and fraction of day, col. 33-34 hours | col. 36-37 minutes > right ascension col. 39-43 seconds | col. 45-47 degrees | col. 49-50 minuts > declination col. 52-55 seconds | col. 66-69 magnitude if available col. 71 spectral band for the magnitude if available col. 78-80 observatory IAU number ==============================================================================