ON PROJECT RESONANCE R.I.Kiladze, A.S.Sochilina The project RESONANCE is devoted to the organization of high precise accuracy observations of the special type of uncontrolled geostationary objects (GEO) and to the utilization of these observations for solution of scientific problems. GEO of this type can approach very closely to the unstable librating points and some of them change their regime of motion: from libration around one stable point of equilibrium to the libration around both points of equilibrium. Others cnange their motion from libration around both points to the regime of circulation. All variations in the regime of motion occur repeatedly under the influence of the luni-solar attraction, what has been confirmed. by the calculations of the orbital evolution of some such GEO for intervals of 60-70 years. These objects are very sensitive to the accuracy of the geopotenthial parameters, especially C22, S22, C31, S31, C33, S33. Therefore these parameters can be improved by means of their observations. Now 14 GEO have been included in RESONANSE. Among them there are 67001a, 82044f, 85007a, 86027a and oth. So long as some of these GEO move in both hemispheres project RESONANCE can be completely realized if it will be international.