ON THE BRUMBERG-KOPEIKIN AND DAMOUR-SOFFEL-XU APPROACHES IN THE RELATIVISTIC THEORY OF REFERENCE SYSTEMS A.V. Krivov Astronomical Institute, St. Petersburg University, Stary Peterhof, 198904 St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: krivov@aispbu.spb.su There exist two recently developed powerful approaches in the general relativistic theory of reference systems and time scales: that of Brumberg and Kopeikin (BK) and Damour, Soffel and Xu (DSX). This paper aims at comparison of some basic elements of BK and DSX methods, namely the definitions of lowest multipole moments of extended bodies and coordinate transformations between global and local reference systems. Supposing that an extended body is the Earth, and assuming that the global and local systems are BRS (barycentric reference system of the Solar system) and GRS (geocentric reference system) respectively, we have found the following: (i) the difference between the Fock mass of the Earth (used in BK approach) and its Blanchet-Damour mass (central to DSX formalism) is negligible; (ii) Blanchet-Damour mass of the Earth can be treated as practically conserved; (iii) BK and DSX definitions of the geocenter practically coincide; (iv) the coordinate transformation BRS-GRS in both approaches coincide at least to O(c^{-4} r) terms (for time coordinate) and O(c^{-2}) accuracy (for spatial coordinates), with r being the geocentric distance. The results above suggest that no perceptible ambiguities may arise from using one or another approach when dealing with practical problems of applied celestial mechanics, astrometry, and geodynamics.