The relativistic models of two-body systems with the retarded interactions: qualitative aspects and theorems about the degrees of freedom V.I.Zhdanov Astronomical Observatory of Kiev University Observatorna St., 3; Kiev 254053 Ukraine E-mail: AOKU@GLUK.APC.ORG (To: V.Zhdanov) The relativistic equations of motion must take into account the finite speed of propagation of interactions. As the result, the relativistic systems have infinite numbers of degrees of freedom, and the motion of interacting bodies in any relativistic field theory cannot be described (in general case) by ordinary differential equations. Nevertheless, the approximations known in the General Relativity reduce the dynamics to the instantaneous form with the finite number of the initial value parameters. The correct relativistic theory of motion must explain the role of the infinite number of degrees of freedom, so that we must be sure about the approximation methods and that there is no loss of physical solutions. This report presents a summary of exact results of the author on these problems. Because there is no explicit equations of motion is General Relativity, we confine ourselves to the exact Poincare - invariant models of two-body systems. The evolution equations can be reduced to a functional- differential system of a neutral type with respect to the trajectories of the bodies. We study the qualitative behavior and present the conditions for existence and uniqueness of the global trajectories specified by instantaneous initial positions and velocities. It is shown that under some general assumptions it is possible to characterize a relativistic N-body system by a finite number of degrees of freedom. The convergence of iteration method is proved yielding instantaneous equations of motion for regular weakly relativistic trajectories. Specificity of the equations of motion in General Relativity in view of the above problems is discussed.