Scientific rationale

The modeling of the dynamics of the solar system needs astrometric observations made on a large interval of time to validate the scenarios of evolution of the system and to be able to provide ephemerides extrapolable in the next future. That is why observations are made regularly for most of the objects of the solar system.

The arrival of the Gaia reference star catalogue will allow us to make astrometric reductions of observations with an increased accuracy thanks to new positions of stars. The challenge consists in increasing the astrometric accuracy of the reduction process. More, we should think about our campaigns of observations: due to this increased accuracy, for which objects, ground based observations will be necessary completing space probes data? Which telescopes and targets for next astrometric observations?
We will gather observers and theoreticians to discuss on these questions during a workshop on October 14-15-16.

During a colloquium on October 17-18, plans for the future will be exposed, results on former campaigns such as Phemu15 campaign, will be provided and amateur astronomers will be asked for continuing their participation to new observing campaigns of selected objects taking into account the new possibilities offered by the Gaia reference star catalogue.

An extended program with the questions to be answered is available here.

The registration page is available here (note that the number of participants is limited to 40).


J.E. Arlot, V. Lainey, V. Robert, E. Saquet