=========================== ============================ PHESAT95 workshop =========================== ============================ In 1994-1996, an international campaign of observations of the eclipses and mutual eclipses and occultations of the Saturnian satellites, named PHESAT95, is organized by the Bureau des longitudes. A workshop, which held in September 1994 in Bucharest (Romania), was jointly organized by the Bucharest Observatory and the Bureau des longitudes. The proceedings of this workshop will be soon available in this directory. The content of these proceedings is: Arlot, J.-E.: 1994, Les campagnes precedentes d'observation des phenomenes mutuels, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Blanco, C.: 1994, Previous observations of mutual events of Saturnian satellites, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Protitch-Benishek, V.: 1994, Two well-observed phenomena from Belgrade Observatory: occultation of 28 Sgr by Titan and eclipse of Io by Europa, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Oprescu, G.: 1994, Observations des phenomenes mutuels en Roumanie, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Kirsanov, N. O.: 1994, A theory of motion of Hyperion, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Emelianov, N.: 1994, Ephemerides software of natural satellites, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Thuillot, W.: 1994, Prediction des phenomenes des satellites de Saturne pour la periode 1994-1996 , PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Morando, B.: 1994, Reduction photometrique des phenomenes, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. D'Ambrosio, V.: 1994, Les nouveaux systemes a photometrie rapide des observatoires de Campocatino et de Mosciano, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Bulder, H.: 1994, Experiences with digital data reduction on videtapes, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Colas, F.: 1994, Observation des phenomenes avec un recepteur CCD, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Berthier, J.: 1994, Observation des occultations d'etoiles, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Descamps, P.: 1994, Astrometrie de Haute precision deduite des observations de phenomenes mutuels, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Devyatkin, A. V.: 1994, The influence of the phase and the non homogeneity of reflective surface of Galilean satellites on coordinate determination, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. D'Ambrosio, V.: 1994, Methodes pour etudier avec le SAM des urfaces recouvertes de particules a composition, granulometrie et degre de compacite differents, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Showalter, M.: 1994, Observing plans in the USA during the ring plane crossing opportunity, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Pascu, D.: 1994, CCD observations of planetary satellites at the USNO, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Colas, F.: 1994, Observations CCD au Pic du Midi, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Le Floch, J.-C.: 1994, L'experience de l'observatoire de Bordeaux dans les observations et le traitement des donnees sur les satellites de Saturne, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Rapaport, M.: 1994, Observations des satellites de Saturne faites avec la camera CCD de Bordeaux: comparaison avec les ephemerides, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Colas, F.: 1994, Utilisation des recepteurs CCD: logiciels associes, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Thuillot, W.: 1994, Ephemerides pour les observateurs, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Arlot, J.-E.: 1994, Selection des phenomenes a observer et des meilleurs periodes, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Lopez-Garcia, A.: 1994, CCD observations of big planets satellites, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Harper, D.: 1994, CCD observations at La Palma: results and projects, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Zamarashkin, K. N., Kirsanov, N. O., Kisseleva, , Kisselev, Batrakov: 1994, CCD astrometric observations of Saturnian satellites system on the 26-inches refractor at Pulkovo to be made in 1994-1996 campaign and their comparison with the parallel photographic observations, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Veiga, C.: 1994, A method to define a reference system for the reduction of astrometric positions of natural satellites, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Doru Dragan,: 1994, Les avantages d'un instrument portable pour observer hors des villes, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Stavinschi, M., Bocsa, G.: 1994, Tradition roumaine dans les observations des satellites de Jupiter et Saturne, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Nickiforov, V. V.: 1994, Uses of the CCD micrometer in astrometry, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. Mironov, S., Grebenicov, E.: 1994, Leister, N.V.: 1994, Observations of the Sun with CCD camera at Abrahao de Morei Observatory, PHESAT95 Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania. ================================================================================