=============================================================================== File: 1891-1978_J1-4_arlot.data.txt ============================== Contents: - file containing 1606 photographic observations of relative positions of the galilean satellites of Jupiter made on 41 oppositions by 11 obser- vers from 17 sites, from December 22, 1891 to April 12, 1978. (tangential coordinates in equatorial 1950,0 reference frame), - The origin of the coordinates may be the center of mass of all the observed satellites or the observed center of Jupiter. Reference: these observations are described in, - Arlot, J.-E., 1982, "Amelioration des ephemerides des satellites galileens de Jupiter par l'analyse des observations", These de Doctorat d'etat, Obs. de Paris. Format: one record contains 316 bytes with the following format, i4 the chronological number i4 the number of the series i4 the number of the photographic plate 5i4 the date in UTC: the year, month, day, hour, minutes d23.16 seconds 8d23.16 equatorial coordinates of observed satellites in micrometer x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4 i4 the number of the satellites on the exposure 46x d23.16 the factor of the plate scale in arseconds per millimeter i4 origin of the coordinates, 0: observed Jupiter, i: sat i, 5: the gravity center of the observed satellites. ==============================================================================