Date - date of observation.
Type - the type of the phenomenon (eclipse or occultation)
including the satellite numbers in the form "nem" or "nom",
where n is the number of the occulting or eclipsing satellite
and m - is the number of the occulted or eclipsed satellite.
Obs - observatory code (see below).
UTC - the time instant in the UTC scale (h, m, s).
X, Y - X=Delta(alpha)*cos(delta), Y=Delta(delta)
(occulting satellite relative to occulted one
or eclipsing satellite relative to eclipsed one)
in arcseconds in ICRF.
sigmaX, sigmaY - rms of X, Y, correspondingly, in arcseconds.
This is because of random errors of the photometry.
O-C_X, O-C_Y - differences of X, Y from the results
of the satellites motion theory ( TASS 1.7 ), in arcseconds.
s, pos - apparent distance (arcsec) and positional angle (deg.),
accorsding to X, Y .
Q - index of the result quality, following from processing:
Q=0 - normal result,
Q=1 - doubtful result
Q=2 - result following from low quality photometry.
Smin - minimum of the normalized modelled flux.
Graph - link to the graphcs (points - measured normalized flux
(line - modelled flux after the fit, time is in minutes from 0 h in TT scale)