============================================================================== File: 1984_1993_S6-8_rapaport_nsdc.data.txt ========================================= Contents: - 90 observations of S-6 Titan from 1985 April 27 to 1993 Nov. 18 - 46 observations of S-8 Iapetus from 1985 April 20 to 1993 Nov. 26 Observations of the satellites of Saturn Titan and Iapetus, made at the transit circle meridian photoelectric automatic instrument of Bordeaux observatory. Positions are topocentric apparent. References: Observations reported to NSDC by: Michel RAPAPORT, Observatoire de Bordeaux, 33000 Floirac, France rapaport@observ.u-bordeaux.fr Comments: These observations have been made for the preparation of Hipparcos INCA catalogue. The rms of observations of stars of FK5 catalogue are 0"10 in right ascension and 0"13" in declination. Format: column 1 : number of the satellite 6=Titan 8 = Iapetus column 2 : dynamical time columns 3,4,5 : right ascension (h,m,s) columns 6,7,8 : declination deg,'," Format: x,i2,3x,f14.6,7x,i2,i3,f7.3,2x,a,i2,i3,f6.2,14x,f7.2,f9.2 ==============================================================================