=========================== ============================ (4337) Arecibo =========================== ============================ This directory provides the orbital solutions of the binary asteroid (4337) Arecibo. All files are provided using the SPICE kernel file format from JD 2457024 TDB to JD 2466100 TDB. CONTENT : arecibo_sys_202501_liu_20p.bsp : orbit of the primary (NAIF CODE: 920004337). arecibo_sys_202501_liu_20s.bsp : orbit of the secondary (NAIF CODE: 120004337). arecibo_sys_202501_liu_20.tpc : alias between the codes and names of the components of the asteroid. AUTHOR : Z. Liu/D. Hestroffer/M. Gastineau ADDRESS : LTE, Observatoire de Paris, PSL 77 av. Denfert Rochereau, F-75014 PARIS e-mail: Mickael.Gastineau@obspm.fr ================================================================================ User feed-back is encouraged. Unless otherwise specified, send comments and bug reports to: E-mail : comments@imcce.fr Postal mail: LTE 77 avenue Denfert Rochereau F-75014 PARIS ================================================================================