===========================                         ============================
                         IMCCE - Observatoire de Paris

                 Content of the directory:    /pub/ephem/satel
                                 2007, May 14
===========================                         ============================

This directory contains three kinds of data:

	1 - Ephemeris subroutines

	2 - Satellite configurations

	3 - Event predictions


satel/posxy/:    Ephemerides of the main planetary satellites:
                 differential positions of the satellites of Mars,
                 Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, given under the form of developments
                 in mixed functions.

satel/satel13/:  Ephemerides of the major satellites of Mars, Jupiter,
                 Saturn and Uranus from 1994 to 2003. These ephemerides
                 are based on polynomial coefficients, the basis
                 accuracy is about 0.5 arcsec. A graphic interface
                 is also avalable for VGA screen.

satel/esaphodei/: Fortran code of the theories ESAPHO and ESADEI of the motions
                  of the satellites of Mars Phobos and Deimos
satel/galilean/: contains Fortran code for ephemerides of the galilean satellites

satel/faintsat/: Files of coefficients allowing to calculate the
	         ephemerides of:
	         J6, J7, J8, J9, J10, J11, J12, J13.
satel/tass17/:	 Fortran code of the theory TASS1.7 of the motion of the first
                 eight satellites of Saturn

satel/do87/:     Fortran code of the theory of the satellites of Saturn
                 from Dourneau (1987)

satel/htc20/:	 Fortran code of the theory HTC 2.0 of the motion of the 
                 Lagrangian satellites of Dione and Tethys in Saturn's system:
                 Helen, Telesto and Calypso
satel/la06/:    Chebychev polynomials to calculate the ephemerides of the
                satellites of Uranus on the period 2006-2010

satel/gust86/:	 Fortran code of the theory of the motion of the first five
		 satellites of Uranus
satel/neptuno/: Ephemerides of the satellites of Neptune


satel/config/:   Plots of the configurations of the Galilean and Saturnian 

satel/mons/:   Software for Windows providing configurations of some natural 
               planetary satellites


satel/phemu03/:  Predictions of the mutual events of the Galilean satellites
                 for the occurrence of 2003
satel/phemu97/:  Predictions of the mutual eclipses and
                 occultations of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter
		 occurring in 1997. 

satel/phemu91/:  Predictions of the mutual events of the Galilean satellites
                 for the occurrence of 1991

satel/phemu85/:  Predictions of the mutual events of the Galilean satellites
                 for the occurrence of 1985
satel/phemu79/:  Predictions of the mutual events of the Galilean satellites
                 for the occurrence of 1979
satel/phemu73/:  Predictions of the mutual events of the Galilean satellites
                 for the occurrence of 1973

satel/phenjupCDT/: Predictions (in Terrestrial Time) of
                   the phenomena (eclipses, occultations, transits and shadows)
                   of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter
                   as published in Connaissance des temps

satel/phenjupiter/: Predictions (in Terrestrial Time) of
                    the phenomena (eclipses, occultations, transits and shadows)
                    of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter

satel/pheura07/: Predictions of the mutual events of the Uranian satellites
                 for the occurrence of 2007
                 /visibility/:  Visibility of the events from selected sites

satel/phesat95/: Predictions of the phenomena of the Saturnian
                 satellites for the 1992-1999 period
User feed-back is encouraged. Unless otherwise specified, send comments and bug 
reports to:                    E-mail     : comments@imcce.fr
                               Fax        : (33) 01 46 33 28 34 
                               Postal mail: IMCCE - Observatoire de Paris
                                            77 avenue Denfert Rochereau
                                            F-75014 PARIS
[ICO]NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory  -  
[DIR]NOE/2023-06-27 17:14 -  
[DIR]SAI/2022-02-15 09:45 -  
[DIR]config/2023-04-21 12:36 -  
[DIR]do87/2008-03-13 17:54 -  
[DIR]esaphodei/2005-04-05 15:06 -  
[DIR]faintsat/2005-02-08 17:33 -  
[DIR]galilean/2010-06-23 14:26 -  
[DIR]gust86/2007-04-24 11:15 -  
[DIR]htc20/2005-04-05 15:06 -  
[DIR]la06/2007-05-22 14:24 -  
[DIR]la07/2011-04-14 14:42 -  
[DIR]martian/2024-06-08 05:36 -  
[DIR]mons/2005-04-05 15:06 -  
[DIR]neptuno/2005-04-14 13:05 -  
[DIR]ph12/2013-02-28 22:00 -  
[DIR]phemu03/2008-03-13 17:51 -  
[DIR]phemu09/2007-12-26 11:33 -  
[DIR]phemu15/2013-04-02 17:27 -  
[DIR]phemu73/2005-11-28 13:54 -  
[DIR]phemu79/2005-10-07 23:13 -  
[DIR]phemu85/2005-10-07 23:15 -  
[DIR]phemu91/2017-04-01 15:56 -  
[DIR]phemu97/2007-04-24 11:22 -  
[DIR]phenjupCDT/2005-04-05 15:06 -  
[DIR]phenjupiter/2023-04-21 12:38 -  
[DIR]phensaturne/2008-10-10 16:02 -  
[DIR]phesat09/2007-12-24 15:59 -  
[DIR]phesat95/2008-04-17 10:10 -  
[DIR]pheura07/2006-06-30 15:46 -  
[DIR]phoebe/2020-12-17 11:55 -  
[DIR]posxy/2007-04-24 14:27 -  
[DIR]satel13/2005-04-05 15:06 -  
[DIR]tass17/2005-04-05 15:06 -  
[TXT]LISEZMOI.txt2007-05-22 10:22 4.6K 
[TXT]README.txt2007-05-22 10:22 4.8K