{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1036{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 ==============================================================================================\par Mutual events implying the faint inner satellites of Uranus\par June 30, 2006 - J.E. Arlot - N. Emelianov\par =============================\par \par Directory /faint-inner-satellites\par \par files: \par ts2-phemura_avril-juin2007.txt : all events including those in front of Uranus, occurring from April to June 2007\par ts2-phemura_juillet-sept2007.txt : all events including those in front of Uranus, occurring from July to September 2007\par ts2-phemura_oct-dec2007.txt : all events including those in front of Uranus, occurring from October to December 2007\par tseclips_phemura_juillet-sept2007.txt: all eclipses occurring from July to September 2007\par tseclips_phemura_oct-dec2007.txt : all eclipses occurring from October to December 2007\par tsoccult_phemura_avril-juin2007.txt : all occultations occurring from April to June 2007\par tsoccult_phemura_juillet-sept2007.txt : all occultations occurring from July to September 2007\par tsoccult_phemura_oct-dec2007.txt : all occultations occurring from October to December 2007\par tri-dist_phemura_avril-juin2007.txt : all events sorted by distances to the limb of Uranus occurring from April to June 2007\par tri-dist_phemura_oct-dec2007.txt : all events sorted by distances to the limb of Uranus occurring from October to December 2007\par tri-dist_phemura_juillet-sept2007.txt : all events sorted by distances to the limb of Uranus occurring from July to September 2007\par tri-sat-occultant_phemura_avril-juin2007.txt : all occultations sorted by occulting satellite occurring from April to June 2007\par tri-sat-occultant_phemura_juillet-sept2007.txt : all occultations sorted by occulting satellite occurring from July to September 2007\par tri-sat-occultant_phemura_oct-dec2007.txt : all occultations sorted by occulting satellite occurring from October to December 2007\par ==============================================================================================\par \par \par \par \par \par }