Vénus - 1761 - Ile de Sainte-Hélène - Nevil
Maskelyne (1732-1811) - nationalité britannique
Ecole anglaise, Nevil Maskelyne, extrait de la "Galerie
de portraits" publié en 1833, gravure. Collection privée.
Maskelyne deviendra Astronome
royal en 1762, à la mort de Bradley.
© Bridgeman/Giraudon.
An Account of the Observations made on the Transit of Venus, June
6, 1761, in the Island of St. Helena : In a Letter to the Right
Honourable George Earl of Macclesfield, President of the Royal Society,
from the Rev.
Nevil Maskelyne, M.A. and F.R.S.
Philosophical Transactions Giving Some Account of the Present
Undertakings, Studies, and Labours, of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable
Parts of the World, vol. LII, part I, For the Year 1761, London,
1762, p. 196-201.
Texte imprimé en anglais.
© Gallica, BNF.